Wednesday 2 November 2011

Black Friday

On one perticular day it was raining and it was dark then there was a black out all over the world and no one had any idea what was going on. It was horrifying and there were zombies and other scary looking creatures coming out of a black hole. Killing people all over the world the creatures were raging all over roads hiding in houses and tearing people apart. In 2 minutes the whole world was black. Even the sun and moon was filled with blackness. All sources of light had dissapeared like flashlights, streetlights everything. The streets were filled with chaos and no one was safe. Black holes were taking every house apart. Twisting and turning the black hole was thirsty for stuff. The creatures were building up and killing anyone they saw. In minutes the whole world was empty.No one left. Everything gone and the only thing left was a few creatures and zombies. Then a spaceship came into the sky and landed on large piece of flat land. Billions more aliens came out it was like non-stop. The world had been taken over.

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