Wednesday 25 January 2012


It was the year 2012 and it all started in England and the weather was raining very heavily. It all started with a guy named Charlie he is 25 years old and he works as a lawyer. He was going to work in his Ford F-150 Truck. When a huge earthquake split the road apart and his truck went off to a tilt as it started sliding into the pit. But he turned his truck to the side and its wheel got grip on the road and it went off to the sidewalk. He got out and looked at the road. He couldn't believe his eyes because he had almost fallen into an endless pit of darkness. He started hearing rumbling and everything started shaking he almost fell into the pit when he stepped back and fell over backwards. He got scared and realized he was in the middle of an earthquake. He jumped back up and got into his truck and speeded off so fast he left dust in his tracks.

He hurried to his friend Bob who was an earthquake expert. He said he found over 57 earthquakes today and that more were still happening all over the world. Bob said there were already aftershocks as well tsunamis 20 feet tall that had flooded some countries already. He said the world may come to an end in 6 days. He was wondering what the date was when he saw a calendar. He looked at it then saw that it was the 15 of december. So on the 21 the world would end. He looked scared and worried. He didn't know what to do. Just then the world started shaking again and the rumbling sound came back. He looked outside and his truck was gone. He was confused but then he looked to his side and saw a tsunami 14 feet tall heading towards him. He ran back inside and saw Bob confused as to what was going on. He said to Bob that a tsunami 14 feet tall was about to hit them and his truck had dissapeared.

Bob was scared and desperate for a quick way out of the house without getting hit by the tsunami. He realized he had a small car in his garage. He ran out of his office and hurried into his garage where a very expensive corvette was sitting there waitng to be driven. Charlie looked surprised to how he had not seen that before because he never knew Bob had a corvette!They got in and drove away as fast as possible which by the way was super fast. The tsunami had no way of catching up to them but then they saw cars flying everywhere. They stopped and got out. The road was filled with screaming people and flipped over cars. They got back in and revearsed quickly and drove down a different street. They then stopped again because what they saw was horrifying. They were looking at nothing but ashes and fire from an earthquake which had split England apart.

They needed to get out of England somehow when they saw Army helicopters flying over them and land a few streets away. They drove over there and saw people being put into the helicopters and cars being loaded up into them. Bob and charlie got out and ran over to one guy dressed in a army uniform. They asked him if they could get a lift out of here. The army guy said they could fit at least 4 more people and 1 more car. Bob said he had a corvette and showed the army guy by pointing at it. The army guy whos name was Jackson said okay we will load up your car and when thats done you can get on.

The next thing Bob and Charlie knew they were in the air on there way to the United States because Europe was the first continent to get hit so they had no choice but to go to the U.S. They looked at England as they flew over the ocean and all they saw was fire and chaos. Bob turned to Jackson who was checking up on everybody and asked him what was going on and Jackson said they were going to have to evacuate the earth before the world ends. So I guess he knew about that which makes sense. I thought of another question and asked him it. The question was what were we going to do when we were out in space and what are we going to be flying in. He said we were going to the moon to start all over again and that scientists are figuring out how to make a space ship which I thought was impossible but they had already got a plan on how to build it and all they have to do is make it big enough to fit a lot of people in. They landed and saw what Jackson meant which was a huge spaceship the size of a city. Charlie said to Bob that he didn't know how big it was going to be but when he saw it he almost fainted. Then he looked down the street and saw about 200 more of them. He fainted and woke up about 2 hours later and everybody was standing over him. He got up and it was chaos all over the place. Jackson told him as soon as he got up that the entire eastern seaboard had been flooded and destroyed by earthquake and tsunamis. Some guy named Nathan came up to me and said your on spaceship 12 as well as your friend Bob. charlie ran over to spaceship 12. Then he stopped and turned around and saw Bob getting a space suit for Charlie. When Charlie turned around to jump into the spaceship a loud scream covered the air and Charlie turned around again and saw Nathan being ripped in half by a huge Zombie about 10 feet tall and then a huge army following and Nathan was completely ripped apart from head to toe. Bob ran over to me and we got in the spaceship the person lifted the spaceship in the air and we left. The last thing we saw of the earth was the Zombies killing everyone else who couldn't get away. We left to the moon and started a new civilization.

Thursday 5 January 2012

My Dog Ate My Sock Holiday

My holiday was good and bad. The lowlight of my holiday is my dog ate ones of my socks which really sucked because they were my favourite pair of socks. My highlight of my holiday was I got the most epic games of the year for ps3. Those 2 games were Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of duty: Modern Warfare 3. They are extremely popular right now all over the world. I also got Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars. The best highlight of my holiday is I got a pure silver necklace that was really expensive. I had a really big turkey dinner which was awesome and really tasty and yummy. My christmas was awesome.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


One day the dog of the EPIC WINNING century went into the EPIC WINNING forest to find a epic winning stick. He was not going to rest until he got his awesome EPIC WINNING stick. He found it in no time at all and when he came out of the EPIC WINNING forest he was surrounded by a bunch of photographers and they took a awesome picture of him and he became the most famous EPIC WINNING DOG ever. THE END!!!

Monday 5 December 2011

The Crazy Soccer Game

The crazy soccer fan was at an outstanding soccer game. It was just starting. It was Chelsea FC vs FC Barcelona. The players on both teams were the best of the best.The game was going to be awesome and he knew that because it was the final game for the European Cup. The referee blew his whistle and the game started. FC Barcelona was starting with the ball. Lional Messi took the ball and dribbled it all the way to the goal and took a shot and it hit the metal pole right above the goal it bounced off the pole and then hit the ground the goalkepper got up and grabbed the ball. Messi was amazed it didn't go in. The goalkepper drop kicked the ball to center field and Frank Lampard got it he passed it to Drogba. He shot from half field and scored!!! Amazing goal I never knew he could do that is amazing! Look at him going crazy at the half field line a true hero for his team. That goal is amazing let's see the replay on the big screen. Oh look at that the ball actually hit the post and bounced off and then hit the other post and went in! The goalkepper had no chance even though he dived for it but he was to slow. Okay here we go 1 for Chelsea FC and 0 for FC Barcelona and it's 34:50. FC barcelona starting with the ball and Leonal Messi takes the ball and he dribbles it all the way to the goal again and this time he got his focus and decked the defence no problem and he shot and scored with a goal that hit the top and bottom post and went in. The goal was on Nathan Barkley. He was humiliated he didn't give up on his team. The second half came and FC Barcelona was going crazy and shooting on Nathan with every trick they had but he saved them all.

Chelsea FC needs a plan to get back into this game and they did. At 80:00 Nathan grabbed the ball and rolled it to a teammate and then they launched their attack and they got to the other side of the field at 89:40 and Frank Lamoard had the ball he shot 10 seconds left and hit the post and bounced off and then hit the other post on the other side and it hit the ground and rolled in with 1 second left. GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chelsea FC had won. The announcer said boooooooooooo!!! But the crowd said YYYYAAAYYY!!!

After a few days past from the game FC Barcelona were furious with their loss. They contacted Chelsea FC and demanded a rematch. Chelsea was kind of surprised that they even cared about their loss because they usually don't care at all.But this time they did and wanted a rematch after another few days Chelsea finally said thet they would except the rematch and FC Barcelona were training all week because they knew Chelsea would give in and except the rematch. Chelsea was doomed. another week passed and they finally started the game and almost everybody in Chelsea and Barcelona were there which made it quite the game.Chelsea kicked off and Drogba gets it he dribbles to the box and losses it then FC Barcelona is in possesion and Puyol passes it to Messi who wants revenge badly and he goes crazy and dribbles it to Chelsea's box he shoots at the goal and makes a stunning curve ball in to the goal he SCORES!!! The crowd goes wild and they are going crazy in the stands. Messi is jumping around he loves scoring for his team. The game starts again with Chelsea FC on the ball. They start their attack on the goal and the crowd is hoping they score. But they lost possesion when Frank Lampard got tackled by Puyol. FC Barcelona gets the ball and is on the attack and Puyol passed it to Villa and he passes to Messi who gets tackled by John Terry. John Terry passes it to Mikel and he passes it to Anelka who goes for the goal and he SCORES!!! Amazing another goal and it's a tie which has left both teams in a desperate battle to the end at 1-1. They are desperate for a goal. It is 45:44 and FC barcelona kicks off and it's half time as the whistle shouts across the field. Then the next half FC Barcelona started with the ball and Chelsea was ready for them as soon as the whistle started Frank Lampard sprinted at Messi and dived to the ball he took it and made it to the box in no time at all he was as fast as a cheetah. He shoots it past the defenders and it hits the post and goes back at him he shoots again and the goalkeeper makes one last effort and jumps up from the ground and grabs it with amazing power and he drop kicks it to half field and John Terry gets it and lob passes it to Frank Lampard who is still at the end of the field. He turns around and shoots for an amazing victory goal and he misses by 2 inches as it flies past the post. But that would have been amazing because he was at half field. The FC Barcelona goalkepper was about to drop kick the ball to half field when he droped the ball out of his hands and tryed to kick the ball but only hit the air and he slipped and landed on the ground. D Drogba ran up to the ball and shot it in!!! The crowd was laughing and cheering at the same time. D Drogba was doing backflips all over the field. It was 2-1 with Chelsea FC in the lead again. The time is 87:29 FC Barcelona went crazy as soon as the game started and they got to the box in a minute Villa shot and he SCORES!!! skinned the post and just went in with 1 second left and the score was 2-2. They would be going into penalty shootout. Here we go at the penalty shootout and Messi is first. He shoots hits the post and it's in! Then it's D Drogba and he shoots and he misses. Villa shoots he scores! If frank Lampard doesn't score this it's all over. He shoots post and hits another post and it's in! Now it's Pique. He shoots and he misses. It's Anelka and he scores!!! It's 2-2 and now the final 4 shots. XAVI is shooting and he scores! Mikel shoots and he scores it's 3-3.Just A. Inesta and John Terry will decide who wins the european cup. It's John Terry and he shoots and he SCORES!!!!!!! 4-3 and A. Inesta has all the pressure on him. He shoots it bounces off the post and hits another post and another and it hits the top post it slams down to the ground and hits the goalkepper in the face and it starts rolling and the goalkepper dives for it he misses and it rolls onto the line and the goalkepper Nathan Barkley dives for it one more time and he grabs it! I can't believe it Chelsea FC had won the European Cup with a win that will be remembered for a long,long time.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Black Friday

On one perticular day it was raining and it was dark then there was a black out all over the world and no one had any idea what was going on. It was horrifying and there were zombies and other scary looking creatures coming out of a black hole. Killing people all over the world the creatures were raging all over roads hiding in houses and tearing people apart. In 2 minutes the whole world was black. Even the sun and moon was filled with blackness. All sources of light had dissapeared like flashlights, streetlights everything. The streets were filled with chaos and no one was safe. Black holes were taking every house apart. Twisting and turning the black hole was thirsty for stuff. The creatures were building up and killing anyone they saw. In minutes the whole world was empty.No one left. Everything gone and the only thing left was a few creatures and zombies. Then a spaceship came into the sky and landed on large piece of flat land. Billions more aliens came out it was like non-stop. The world had been taken over.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Cereal

I walked into the kitchen desperatetly opening the pantry door and grabing the cereal box. On the front of the cereal box it said Mini Wheats. My jaw started to drop but then my mom said. "Have you had your cereal yet!" I got a little startled when she said that and started moving quickly to the kitchen counter. I put the cereal box on the counter. "No not yet". I said to my mom as she was playing a facebook game on her computer in her study across the kitchen. I got my cereal bowl and since I was so tired I accidentally poured my cereal onto the counter and not in the bowl and the cereal splashed all over the floor. Because of that I hit the floor with my knees and started cleaning the cereal up.

Friday 14 October 2011


It all happened in September on a weekend. It was saturday the 24th. I was walking down my street just to get a little bit of fresh air. When I saw something in the air at top speed flying downwards and pointing straight for the road. It was pretty big about the size of a car. When I figured out that it was probably going to hit me I backed up on to the sidewalk. Then after 10 minutes of staring at it flying it finally came down and crash landed.

The spaceship was very round like a pancake with a little ball on top. I didn't know what to do. But all of a sudden the door opened and someone came out. I was dying to know who was inside the spaceship. Then they came out. The alien came out. He was tall and looked like an octapus but a much bigger body. His skin colour was dark green.

I was so excited to see an alien for the first time in my life. I didn't know what to do. The alien turned to face me and stared at me for a while then something came to mind. What if the alien isn't here to make peace but to take over the world or even destroy it. Then I started getting a chill down my spine and got worried.

I wanted to run to my house but I couldn't my legs wouldn't move. The alien started walking up to me it got closer and closer until we were face to face and like 2 centimetres apart. I pulled my face away from his face as I was trying to move my legs. Then the alien started growling like a dog I got scared... really scared. I thought he was gonna grab my legs and pull me into his ship. But then I could move my legs and ran as fast as I could to my house when I opened the door and ran into my house I turned around to see where the alien was and to my surprise he was gone.

I quickly closed the door and locked it I was terrified. I looked through the window in my door and saw the spaceship was still there. Then I heard a scream coming from outside. I opened the door and saw the alien next to his ship and I also saw a women in here car looking at the alien. The alien walked up to the car and evaporated the car into nothing but ash... nothing left. Then the alien turned back at me and my head started hurting a lot. I closed the door and locked it again the hurting stoped. I don't know why my head was hurting so much but then I realized my head was hurting as soon as the alien looked back at me. Then I found out that he was doing some mind trick on me.I looked out the window again and saw that the spaceship and the alien was gone.